Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Week One: Blogging

Hi, my name is Gwen Bartlett. I am the library media specialist at Prairie Hills Middle School in Hutchinson, Kansas. We are part of the Buhler School District. We have only 7th and 8th grades, with 385 students. I have been a librarian for over 40 years. Most of the time I have worked in school libraries in Wichita, Chanute, and Scott City. I have also worked in public libraries in Sedgwick, Hutchinson, and Newton.

I am taking this class because I love technology and am also looking for new things to try and to share with students. I'm looking forward to some great ideas. Thanks for sharing the blog list on our lesson. I see some new blogs that I haven't tried. My favorite blog that I read regularly is Free Technology for Teachers. It is written by a social studies teacher, but he must have been a librarian in a previous life because he is always suggesting great sites for all curriculum areas. Just like a librarian!


  1. I am going to add that blog to my RSS feeds - thanks for the tip!

  2. Welcome Gwen! I love educational resources in general about technology. I get some of the best new ideas about tech from educators! We're all in the same profession: teaching others about different types of information.
